With Smart Staffing, our clients quickly augment their learning and development needs backed by AllenComm’s top talent, 40+ years of award-winning experience, and industry domain expertise to facilitate seamless collaboration.

AllenComm clients take advantage of a hybrid staffing model of both internal and external resources to provide for short- or long-term needs. We provide managed services to provide the complete L&D team or department you need, or individual staff with the skill set and capacity you need to augment your team – it’s entirely up to you.

With domain expertise in onboarding, leadership, product and compliance training, our team becomes your team. We bring together designers, writers, artists, UX specialists, and technical leads to support your content expertise and ensure consistency that allows your team to scale.

Self-assess your learning talent needs in under 5 minutes and request a free consult with one of our talent experts.

Take the AllenComm Talent Assessment Now

L&D Team Augmentation For Short-Term & Long-Term NeedsExperienced People Who Can Start Immediately

We understand that every industry and organization is different. That you don’t just provide a warm body to augment your staff needs. We help you support new learning initiatives or scale existing programs. AllenComm learning and development experts are inserted into your team seamlessly to offer a superior level of support.


Instructional Designers


eLearning developers


Multimedia/graphics developers


Leadership facilitators

Program managers

Training Coordinators And Specialists

Project managers

Performance consultants

Learning strategists

LMS administrators

QA specialists

Technical writers

Documentation specialists

Instructional Support Specialists

Main Industry Focus

  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Life Sciences
  • Energy
  • Aviation
  • Other


Place immediate talent that allows your team to rapidly scale, avoid wasted time, and meet deadlines.



We expand your team's capabilities with skilled L&D experts that can audit, design, and oversee projects.



Our L&D experts become a part of your program seamlessly and adapt to your current workflows and team dynamics.

AllenComm has more then 21 years of experience

AllenComm has more then 21 years of experience with training staff augmentation services. Our L&D experts quickly achieve a deep depth of understanding of your objectives, strategy, business structure, and finding the most efficient path to success. Our goal is to provide experienced professionals that you need and trust.

Managed Services For Complete L&D Project Support

Give your organization even greater flexibility by making use of our turnkey managed services for access to additional L&D talent backed by superior support. Whether you need long-term or project-based staffing, we’re ready to provide all of the talent required to meet your needs – including complete teams and L&D departments. You decide the level and duration of staff augmentation. You have lower liability risk. There is no long-term investment of full-time staff, or the hassle of onboarding and upskilling new talent. In short, AllenComm support will help you get project started, managed, measured, and completed – quickly.

Project Support

eLearning Industry Client Review

Industry: Consumer Goods | Company size: 10,000+
What did you like best working with AllenComm?

"Very impressed with the depth and breath of expertise AllenComm brings to a collaboration. From design to development, the AllenComm team brought thought leadership and innovation while expertly navigating multiple stakeholder and subject matter expert relationships, managing tight deadlines, and delivered a best in class learning experience. The superior project management team and support provided was exceptional.”

eLearning Industry Client Review

"Providing L&D teams with staff personnel from a group of experienced professionals with knowledge directly relevant to their industry can be a game changer. Many teams are understaffed and over-utilized. Our clients choose AllenComm for our domain expertise, tailored approach to meet their needs, and transformational solutions.”

- AllenComm CEO, Ron Zamir